View Profile Lizardman974
I collect old coins, love tech and art, and love playing RPG's.

Age 29, Male


Right under your nose

Joined on 3/22/09

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Lizardman974's News

Posted by Lizardman974 - June 5th, 2009

I'm in need of an illustrator for my Storybook Collab entry I mentioned a few news posts back. PM me for info!

Need an illustrator

Posted by Lizardman974 - May 23rd, 2009

I just did a little math and came to the conclusion that the quickest way to get to level 60 without using multiple accounts is to vote on five submissions each day for about eight years, and this includes leap years.

Level 60

Posted by Lizardman974 - April 23rd, 2009

I made a ghost story a while ago that I had forgotten about until I came across it while deleting old files. It's called Deadly Ever After

My friends and I had a great time celebrating our graduation in Turin, Italy, but then it started to rain.
"I told you guys to pack umbrellas!" Phil whined, "You heard that it was going to rain!"
"Oh just be quiet Phil! We'll be out of this soon enough." Cindy replied in annoyance, "You've been complaining that it was too hot out, and now you're whining about being soaked!"
"Yeah!" I said in agreement, "Besides Phil, you're not the only one who's drenched!"
It was true. Phil, Cindy, and I were all soaked to the bone. Sure, we were all cold and tired, but Phil was the only one who complained. Jim and Cheryl were twins and didn't mind the rain. They're the kind of people who go camping every week and might as well live in the forest. I could stand the outdoors, but with my pale skin, I can't stay out for long before getting sunburned. Cindy surfed, so she could stand get drenched. Finally, there's Phil. He's the kind of kid who watches too many horror movies and is a little bit too cautious. He's the kind of person who shouts, 'DON'T GO IN THERE!' in the movie theater. As a result of his constant screaming at the slightest disturbance, his voice was a little raspy and sounded like he had a cold. And as you'd expect, he's also the kind of guy who stays inside most of the time. In the rain, Phil looked more pitiful than usual. His short red hair hung just over his eyes, and in the rain, he looked like a crying baby fox. Cindy's brown hair was blackened in the rain, and with her coal black eyes, she looked gothic. With my greyish-black hair and pale skin, I looked almost, well, dead. Jim and Cheryl, on the other hand were a different story. They brought umbrellas and were completely dry.
As we crossed through the woods, I saw a light up ahead and called out to everybody. As we got closer, I saw the light came from a big wooden house. Oh no. I thought, With a house like this, Phil is sure to say something. I was right, because just as we stepped into the clearing, Phil screamed.
Everyone cringed at the scream and Jim was the first to speak out.
"We have to get out of the rain."
"Seriously, Phil. It's the only place we can wait out the storm." Cheryl said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
Phil was reluctant to go in the house. I admit that I was a little bit spooked, but I kept moving forward. Once we reached the living room, we all sat down by the fireplace and started it up.
"This will have to do as refuge for a while." Cindy said.
We were all silent for a while, and I felt like we were being watched. Something was amiss in this house but I ignored it. Why I ignored the feeling I will never know.
As we were exploring the house, I felt something breathe down my neck. As I spun around I saw Phil behind me.
"What are you doing, Phil!" I yelled.
Everyone suddenly halted.
"I'm staying close so that I don't get pulled into the shadows!"
Annoyed, I turned around and kept going. When I looked at the others, I noticed they were staring at something. I looked in the same direction and saw a shadow quickly transfigure across the hall, from wall to wall.
"I knew something was lurking in the house!" Phil whispered nervously. "An ghoul just sped across the hall!"
I felt a sudden pang of remorse, because I was the one who acknowledged the house's existence. It was because of me that we were in a possessed home. We were about to turn around, but I just had to tell them about the house. In desperation, I called out to Cheryl and Jim.
"C'mon you guys! You must have something that could help us!"
As I finished the sentence, two demonic eyes hovered over to Phil from another room. Instinctively, Cheryl pulled a flashlight out from her backpack and shone it on the eyes. Instantly, the eyes were gone, giving us time to escape. We were all panting heavily Phil started to sprint away from us. I was about to call out to him until I realized he was running towards a door. As we went through the doorway, everyone realized that we were in the front hallway. Right in front of the exit!
"I'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" Phil shouted in desperation and anxiety.
He ran through the exit and into the rain. The rest of us were about to follow him, but stopped when we saw blood dripping from an ax held by a shadowy figure. The four of us ran into what seemed to be a library and heard the creak of the wooden flooring beneath our feet. As we fell through the flimsy floorboards, I realized the room we landed in was made of stone, had countless passageways, and was held up by wooden support beams. There was a small amount of water at our feet, and it was the color of rust. When I realized that the figure hadn't followed us here, I saw something gleam in the pale light. I slowly walked towards it when it started to move. As it rose to the support beams, some moonlight reflected off of the item. A cold feeling crawled up my spine with the chilling realization that the item that had glinted in the light was the blade of a bloody ax. As the weapon came closer, I could see it was held by the same shadow we had seen moments before. When the ax was lifted I opened my mouth to scream, but knew that it would do no good. I looked towards the others hopelessly, and heard a THWACK! sound. I slowly but surely lifted my head to see the supports being chopped away. Spirits flew in from every direction, and chopped away at the beams. Each and every poltergeist sped up the process of destroying the ceiling by grouping together. The thought of our inevitable demise distracted me from the fact that the ghosts blocked a pathway after each support beam fell. Once I snapped out of my trance, I noticed that only one passageway was left. I alerted the others and we ran through, barely escaping the collapse of the room. In the silence of the hallway I came to a realization that we would never be able to leave. Running down the stone hallway, the four of us came to a small door. I realized it was the only way out, and immediately heard a weak voice.
"I'll go in." Cindy said, "After all, it's either stay here and risk the ghosts coming, or try a door that could lead out of this madhouse."
As soon as she opened the door, she disappeared along with it.
While my mind trying to disprove the horrible truth, I heard screams. I quickly turned head towards Cheryl and Jim. Or should I say, the remains of Cheryl and Jim. I couldn't believe it. I was alone in a haunted house about to be devoured by demonic ghosts.
This is what you get for visiting a city that was nicknamed 'City of the Devil.' I thought.
As more and more spirits materialized before me, I swear I could hear a raspy voice repeating something over, and over again. I could've sworn that the person talking had a cold. I listened closely and just barely heard the voice say:
"I told you not to go in there."

Posted by Lizardman974 - April 22nd, 2009

I made up a few lyrics to an original song when I was depressed. There's not much, but here they are:

This is the Era of Chaos,
This is the end of your hopes and dreams.
This is the end of the road for many travelers.
The Age of Peace is no more.

The road ahead, is fraught with peril.
With shadows concealing each crack.
One wrong step, and you fall into the Abyss,
And you never come back.

Song Lyrics

Posted by Lizardman974 - April 22nd, 2009

I also made a haiku a while back:

In the rising sun
A lonely leaf rides the wind
Off to lands unknown


Posted by Lizardman974 - April 22nd, 2009

A very short poem I made for the Storybook Project

The Unknown

I am the unknown.
Right beneath your feet,
Yet far from your home.
Awaiting to be shown.

I wander the earth,
Not knowing where I roam.
I retain the secret,
Of my power's girth.

What will occur when I rise,
From the depths of time?
Will I be ignored,
Or a sought-after prize?

And for now I hide,
Lost in the layers,
Of my mysterious past.
Withholding my pride.

As the wind is blown,
I silently slumber.
So for now I remain.
I am the unknown.

Storybook Project Poem